If you wish to discuss any of the issues in this blog and how I may be able to help you either in my capacity as a Business Coach or as an HR Consultant, please contact me for an initial free chat on 0785 7422614 or at martin@mjbcoaching.co.uk Many businesses benefit from the help of both a business coach and a business consultant. You are likely going to need both at some point in your journey but knowing the difference could be vital to...
Photo Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/QL0FAxaq2z0?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink Do you ever feel that you have 101 ideas running through your head but not enough time or space to even start concentrating on one or two of them? This then leads to rumination, and eventually apathy. TIPS FOR BEING PRODUCTIVE Here are some tips to become more productive in your life so you can get things done. 1....