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After I had forced myself through another 10K race this past weekend, I sat contemplating why I do these things – 10Ks, half marathons, and marathons. I’m certainly not going to win one of them, and it can get a bit unpleasant and tiring during the races.

What was I getting out of pushing my body like this? What positive impact was it having on the rest of my life? Should I get signed up for the next one or put my feet up and forget about it?

Positive Effects

Well, running is good for you, and my body does change for the better when I train (in a serious fashion), and I feel a lot better. When I train, I am free of stress and worries.

Running makes you feel happier because:

  • it makes your heart stronger. A strong heart will more easily deal with any kind of stress.
  • you will sleep like a baby. Long runs will make your pulse lower while resting and sleeping.
  • you will live longer without pain. Running can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • you can lose or maintain your weight. Running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories, as long as you don’t continue taking the extra large portion!
  • you will start to eat healthy and keep your energy levels high.
  • it will affect your appearance. If you run in the proper manner by raising your head, you can prolong your spine and appear taller. You will also become slim and fit.
  • exercise makes you happy. Running is a great cure for stress and emotional strain. After running, you will feel mentally refreshed.
  • you will have some time with yourself. Focus on your thoughts and let your brain go wherever it feels like.
  • running is the fountain of youth. It improves your health and well-being in numerous ways.

How Can I Apply This To The Rest Of My Life?

The discipline required of someone who pursues running seriously is immense. How then can such a disciplined approach to running help you achieve more in your everyday life?

Time Management:

Finding the time to run requires smart time management skills and the ability to use all of your time well. Runners must plan for variations in weather and family commitments, and these time management skills can be translated perfectly to the workplace. A lot of leaders say that managing their time is a challenge that they struggle to overcome.


Runners must decide whether to use the support items that can improve their comfort on a run, balanced by the weight penalty of those accessories. The ability to determine what is superfluous in life against what is a real necessity is a key characteristic of a decisive runner. Use the runner’s mindset when approaching your calendar, your commitments or the mess in your house – only the essential elements come along for the ride.


Runners need a positive mindset in order to push through the pain and exhaustion that is associated with distance running. This discipline and focus on positivity can really help to push you through some of life’s big challenges. A positive outlook on life will realise greater success than if a pessimistic view prevails.


Runners often enjoy increased confidence as a result of improved body image, as well as the confidence that comes from committing to something and seeing it through to the end.

Confidence is often described as a leading indicator of success, as even those who lack some of the skills to truly qualify for success can beat their competition due to their confidence levels.

If you have difficulties with time management, decisiveness, positivity or confidence, then please contact me for a discussion about how we can work together to make things better for you.

I will be running a series of positive transformation workshops in the coming months with my colleague, Gina Mayolin. If you would like to receive updates, please leave your email address below.

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